Directions to Fisherman’s Cove Resort

Fisherman’s Cove Resort is six hours from Seattle, three hours from Spokane or Wenatchee; located 11 miles north of Republic and only 20 miles south of the Canadian border.
From Seattle, take Highway 2 or I-90 towards Wenatchee. At Wenatchee follow Hwy. 97 north to Tonasket.
From Tonasket take Highway 20 east to Republic.
Upon entering Republic, turn right at the stop sign in town and stay on Highway 20 out of town a short way until you see Highway 21 North.
When you see Highway 21 north, turn Left and follow 8 miles to Kiwanis Road, Turn left follow half mile to turn left on Fisherman’s Cove Road.
For RV’s over 29 feet, please call the resort for special directions
15 Fisherman’s Cove Road
Republic, WA 99166